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Section 106

Harness local talent for your development projects.

Expert Consulting Services for Section 106 Compliance

At Involved Social impact Projects we specialise in transforming the Section 106 mandate into an
opportunity for both developers and communities. Our unique approach not only ensures
compliance with legal requirements but also cultivates a robust workforce directly from the local
talent pool.

Tailored Section 106 Compliance Strategies

We understand that every development project is unique. That's why our consulting services are designed to provide a bespoke strategy that aligns with your specific needs. Our team works closely with you to navigate the complexities of Section 106, delivering a plan that is both compliant and beneficial to your project's success.


Streamlined Process, From Referrals to Training

Our proven methodology is captured in an intuitive flowchart that guides the entire process:

  • Referrals: We connect you with a network of local employment resources, including the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), marketing initiatives, third-sector organisations, and dedicated task force members.

  • Skill-Building: Our focus on building confidence and competence ensures that local hires are not just employees but are valuable assets to your project.

  • Work Placement: We facilitate the transition from candidate to team member with structured work placements that benefit both the individual and your project.

  • Continuous Support: Even after placement, we provide ongoing mentorship and training opportunities to foster career growth and sustain project momentum.


Benefits of Partnering with Us

  • Local Workforce Development: Boost the local economy by providing meaningful employment opportunities.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Rest easy knowing that your project meets all legal obligations under Section 106.

  • Public Relations Excellence: Enhance your company's image by showing a commitment to community development.

  • Sustainable Growth: Lay the groundwork for a sustainable workforce that can support future projects.


Our Commitment to You

Our team of seasoned consultants is committed to excellence. We're not just service providers; we're your partners in building a stronger community through strategic employment planning.

Get to know us

For more detailed information, please refer to the sections below or get in touch with us directly.

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