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Learner Feedback

  • "Relevance: The training was effective and informative; it gave a soft landing into an unknown area for me. Also it was tailored to the learners' needs and job roles.
  • Engagement: The training method was quite engaging, the interactive exercises made the learning experience enjoyable.
  • Clear Objectives: there were clear objectives. The goals and objectives of the training were understood, which made me feel comfortable in the learning process, willing to engage and appreciate it the training.
  • Quality Content: High-quality content that is accurate, up-to-date, and presented in a clear and concise manner.
  • Instructor/Trainer Skills: A knowledgeable and skilled instructor/ trainer enhanced the training experience
  • Flexibility: The training allowed for flexibility in terms of when and where we complete the online courses.
  • Resources: Access to additional resources helped the learning experience.
  • Support: Having access to a support system during /after training helped me to apply my knowledge effectively."
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